You Are About To Discover The Solution To The Single Biggest Mistake That Has Continued To Make Your Relationships Fail...

HINT: It's Not That You Don't Have The Know How To Communicate...

Charlie Ray Presents

Empower Your Relationships Challenge

Discover the little known secret for mastering better understanding in your relationships you have been searching for...

Enrollment for this class is currently open. Join this class now by enrolling above.

Take The Challenge

Challenge The Status Quo

Will you challenge what you believe is possible for you? Step up to the challenge today.

Time: Monday thru Friday

5 Day Commitment

1-2 hrs per day for 5 days. Get immersed in the process.

Final Results

Improved Relationships

Level up your relationship by improving your understanding of self-communication by the end of class.

This Class Is For

Mastering Relationships

Issues with the way you understand information but also how you communicate that information to someone else.

Relationship Breakdowns Become A Burden...

Collapsing Time Frames

It's Not About Communication, The Key Is The Understanding Your Process

Transform The Way You Show Up In Your Relationships

Learn To Make Your Relationships The Way You Want It!

During this 5-day class, learn the concept Charlie Ray calls emotional dysregulation and environmental neuro reprocessing. These are the concepts Charlie uses to teach empowering relationships. This class meets you where you are and pushes your relationships to new heights.

Challenge Community

Access to the Make More Offers Challenge Facebook Group. You will be surrounded by other entrepreneurs who are excited to learn about making more offers.

Emotional Dysregulation

You will learn how to identify why you react the way you do in heated situations. Understand where these emotions came from and what may be causing these triggers.

Identifying The Source

You are going to be able to learn to key on the behavior not the person. This behavior is changeable. You will get the exact formula that Charlie Ray uses to help identify the source of issue.

Neuro Associations

This technique was use to regulate the environmental neuro-associations that cause the behaviors that create tension and misaligned values within a relationship.

Rebuilding Your Relationship

Understand how to overcome your beliefs, you will need to identify and start to repair some of the issues in your life. Learn how to build empowering relationships.

Join The Challenge

Grab your ticket and join the challenge today

Check Out What Past Challengers Are Saying...





Learn to make powerful, purposeful, and even precise methods through a proven process that has been used by Charlie Ray and his students to build empowering relationships, one at a time.

Improve your relationship drastically through in depth training sessions, projects, Q & A and feedback sessions. It is your world class relationship building being presented as an opportunity to level you up.

Day 1: Building The Foundation

On the first day, you will discover how to build or rebuild the right foundation that will empower lasting relationships.

  • Understand How The Foundation Of Your Relationship Creates The Infinite Guild To Empowerment

  • Identify Environmental Factors

  • Qualify These Factors

  • Empower These Factors

Image of Building The Foundations Bricks Falling down

Day 2: Identify The Issues

On the second day, you will learn how to re evaluate the root of these factors that cause strain on a relationship.

  • Understanding the environmental neuroscience behind the issues in your life.

  • Evaluate The Issue

  • Reposition The Issue

  • Re-empower The Issue

Day 3: Empowering New Behaviors

On the third day, you will now know how to start to empower new beliefs in your subconscious.

  • Understand How To Build Lasting Core Principles.

  • Make Sure It Is Measurable

  • Make Sure It Is Statable

  • Make Sure It Is Desirable

Day 4: Building A System Of Empowerment

On the fourth day, you will learn to create the Ultimate systems that will empower your relationships

  • Develop A New Neuro Empowering System That Works For Your Relationships!

  • Keep it Comparable

  • Make it Buildable

  • Evaluate the Change

Day 5: Evaluation Without Emotion

On the fifth day, will learn how to have that continuous growth and mutual respect in a relationship.

  • Continuing to Identify Key Understandings of Mutual Growth And Respect

  • It Eliminate Pain

  • It Expands Pleasure

  • It Exposes Possibility


Charlie Ray

Understanding a relationship is not all about how we communicate but breaking down the process of how you interpret and perceive your understanding of the communication. Our communication is formatted at a young age. When you have two people that grow up in different environments you have two different perspectives on communication and relationships. Charlie teaches the principles on how to break down your internal communication and understand how others are processing information. This will empower better relationships and communication to build or rebuild empowering relationships.


A New Kind Of Challenge

I know what you are probably thinking. "Oh brother, not another sales pitch disguised as a challenge"! Well, you're right. It's not another sales pitch disguised as a challenge, it is the most comprehensive, yet simple to understand 5 day training designed to help you understand how to empower your relationships.

Empower your relationship!

Have you ever looked in the mirror and said to yourself why do you feel the way you do? What is it going to take to stop and fix your relationship? What would it be like to be in a relationship that you are empowered by?

Why do you have to think about it? Make the change and empower your relationship now!

Challenges Create Champions, Are You Up For A Challenge?

Remember, everything that feels good isn't good and everything that feels bad isn't bad! Sometimes the

best way to learn and master a new skill is to have a challenge to overcome!

The challenges that life throws our way are the same things that make us strong enough to stay

there when we get there (regardless of where there is for us).

Allow me to introduce you to some of my students who were up for the challenge...

Relationship Experience

Here's What You Get...

5 Days Of Relationship Training With Charlie Ray...

Access To Relationship FB Group

Empower Better Relationships

​ How To Empower Your Relationships

Access To Q & A

The Mindset Makeover

How The Law Of "Sympathetic Resonance" Really Works

You Can Step Up To The Challenge

Heres How:

Via Live Challenge

Recordings Available For A Limited Time After Live Sessions

Choose Your Time:

Septemper 16th - 20th

7:00 pm- 8:30 pm EST

Relationship Experience



October 14th - 18th

7:00 pm- 8:30 pm EST

Relationship Experience



November 11th - 15th

7:00 pm- 8:30 pm EST

Relationship Experience




Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions aren't listed below, feel free to email us at [email protected]

Q: Who is this class for?

This is for individuals who are looking to build relationships with Family, Friendships, Romantic, Professional, Acquaintances, Community/Social, and Casual and most important the relationship with yourself.

Q: Who is this class not for?

This is not for those individuals that are on the fence or feel like they have everything under control. If you are not willing to open your mind and play full out. If your not willing to do the homework, please don't waste your money or our time.

Q: How much is the training?

There are 2 ways to participate in The Relationship Challenge. The General Admission is only $97 and the VIP Experience is only $297 for a VIP ticket, which includes backstage passes ask questions on the Zoom pre-game show as Charlie Ray answers Q&A.

Q: Are the challenge classes live?

Yes, classes will be live. Although the classes will be live and recorded you won't be able to purchase the recordings so you will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for the limited time they will be posted in the Facebook group.

Q: How does the 5 day challenge work?

Each day the challenge training will run from 8pm-9pm EST, with backstage additional VIP training with questions from VIP ticket holders from 7pm-9pm EST each day. You are encouraged to complete the tasks within the window provided.

Q: Will I get direct feedback from Charlie?

Only if you purchase an VIP ticket, if you have the VIP Experience you will have a virtual backstage pass to watch and learn from the Q & A sessions each day. If you have General Admission you will not have access to listen to the Q&A sessions prior to the general training.

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