You Are About To Discover The Solution To The Single Biggest Mistake That People Make...

HINT: It's Not That You Don't Have Enough Knowledge...

Charlie Ray Presents

2 Hour Neuro Remapping Training!

Discover the little known secret for mastering your ability to handle any high pressure situation...

How Your Breakdowns Become A Burden...

Collapsing The Time To Be In Control Of Your Life

It's Not About The Situation, The Key Is The Understanding Your Environmental Associations

Transform The Way You Show Up WHEN YOU NEED TO

Learn To Make Your Experiences The Way You Want Them!

During this 2 hour training you will learn to understand how you process the information that you are receiving, where the associations that you make come from. How to be in control at anytime and you are able make confident decisions. Learn how to release some of the old emotional triggers that are holding you back to perform the way you need to in just a moments notice.

Charlie Ray - Founder of Limitless Believing

After the tragic death of his son Kristopher, Charlie dedicated himself to understanding how our brain shapes and influences our experiences. He discovered that environmental associations form our perspectives, which in turn affect our neural connections and conditioned responses. Over more than a decade of research, Charlie developed a technique that can re-associate life experiences and empower old subconscious beliefs in as little as 15 minutes.

A native of Milwaukee, WI, Charlie attended Marquette University High School and then studied Criminal Justice at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. He served as a Milwaukee County Deputy Sheriff before becoming a Data Analyst for a special task force with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Office of Inspector General (OIG), targeting Medicare fraud perpetrated by the Russian and Armenian Mafia. Now based in Tampa, Florida, Charlie founded Limitless Believing and serves as the Director of Neuro Recovery at The Minds Eye Brain Institute and Lab in Clearwater, FL. He is currently a PhD candidate in Neurophysiology.

Charlie has worked with over 6,000 individuals worldwide, helping them overcome depression, PTSD, trauma, fears, phobias, anger issues, infidelity, and more. His clients have included kidnapping and trafficking victims, drug addicts, and people facing relationship challenges, among many others.

In addition to his work with individuals, Charlie has collaborated with over 500 business owners and organizations globally, assisting sales teams and top executives in increasing production and revenue, fostering growth cultures, and reducing conflict. He also works with elite athletes to enhance their performance and compete at higher levels.

Charlie's expertise in trauma recovery has led him to speak in Romania before foreign dignitaries on rebuilding Ukraine and strategic steps for overcoming the trauma of war.


A New Way Of Understanding How To Think And Feel

This two hour training session is live with Charlie Ray where you will break down your personal associations and use the proprietary technique Neuro Remapping to empower your associations. You will learn how to put yourself into any state with in seconds to start empowering what has disempowered you.


Two Hour Training With Charlie Ray

$1,500 VALUE

Get access to Charlie Ray Live and learn how to perform in any state and start empowering how you want to show up.

Learn how to remap the challenges that are holding you back.

Go through the Proprietary "Neuro Remapping Technique" and start seeing shifts in as little as 15 minutes.

Learn how to re-challenge your state and take control of your confidence in seconds rather than hours.

Learn how to perform better when under pressure so you can always remain in control of situations and elevate your performance.

52 Week Challenge Empowerment Challenge

$7,500 VALUE

Get access to continued growth

Learn how to overcome challenges and obstacles

Accelerate your ability to jump outside your comfort zone

Empower new belief to help you design your ultimate life




$9,000 VALUE

ONLY $50

You get access to the 52 week long challenge for one month for FREE then only $47 per month after that.

Cancel Any Time

Challenge Your Life!

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Two Hour Neuro Mapping Training

Date: Sept 27th 2024

Time: 7 - 9 pm EST



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Two Hour Neuro Mapping Training

Date: Oct 30th 2024

Time: 7 - 9 pm EST



Join This Course

Two Hour Neuro Mapping Training

Date: Nov 27th 2024

Time: 7 - 9 pm EST



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